The Portuguese have a sweet tooth. On Madeira you’ll find countless little bakery shops and all these shops have windows chock-full pastries and cakes. One of Madeira’s oldest delicacies is ‘bolo de mel de cana’ or ‘honey cake’. This cake is traditionally made with Christmas, but you can buy it all year round. Traditionally, when people make this cake for Christmas, they’ll make enough to last the whole year. Bolo de mel can easily be preserved that long. In fact, the cake gets even more delicious with time.  A...

In case it wasn´t kind of obvious yet: “We love Madeira!” However……. What’s up with all those white tissues??? Everywhere and during every walk you’ll encounter mounts of them: tissues and toilet paper. In such big amounts you'd almost think they are a part of the island’s traditional party decorations. White tissues, carefully placed by the special levada celebrations committee. As if these are the white version of the beautiful flower garlands decorating many a village square on Madeira. Of course, that’s not the case. It’s the ultimate...

When travelling through Madeira, we encounter lots of cats: both strays and beloved house cats, during walks in the middle of nowhere and in cities and villages. Being the cat lover I am, I always try to photograph the cats we run into. Easier said then done, cause cats aren't known for their posing skills. But here they are: cats of Madeira. Because, well, who doesn't love cats ;-)! HERE THEY ARE [gallery link="none" columns="2" size="medium" ids="3204,3206"]...

One of the world’s most famous soccer players, Cristiano Ronaldo, was born and raised on Madeira. His family still lives on Madeira and he visits the island very often. In Funchal, you’ll find a museum and a statue dedicated to Madeira’s famous former resident. Nowadays, Funchal also has its own Cristiano Ronaldo hotel. In summer 2016, Ronaldo opened the Pestana CR7 Hotel. The hotel’s vision: Live, Connect, Relax & Chill, Enjoy, Work and Play.   LIVE, CONNECT, RELAX & CHILL, ENJOY, WORK AND PLAY The Pestana CR7: a luxury design hotel,...