Sleeping in during the holiday? Nope, rise and shine, cause today we’re going to Rota dos Cetáceos headquarters in Funchal to visit some very special Madeira residents. Let’s hop on a boat for some dolphin watching! This ocean boat tour starts with a short meeting in the office of Rota dos Cetáceos. Together with about twenty other marine mammal enthusiasts we listen to an introduction by our marine biologists for the day: Sara and Anja. They start by telling us about the way the organization works, and how they think respecting...

In case it wasn´t kind of obvious yet: “We love Madeira!” However……. What’s up with all those white tissues??? Everywhere and during every walk you’ll encounter mounts of them: tissues and toilet paper. In such big amounts you'd almost think they are a part of the island’s traditional party decorations. White tissues, carefully placed by the special levada celebrations committee. As if these are the white version of the beautiful flower garlands decorating many a village square on Madeira. Of course, that’s not the case. It’s the ultimate...

We are rather fond of Monte. Period. We visit Monte often. And still, once in a while, we will discover something new! For instance, during our last visit to Monte we found out that very close to the large and well known Monte Palace Tropical Garden, there is another large garden. It was actually quite stupid of us we never saw this before, because you just can't miss it. Anyway, when walking past the church of Monte, though a small garden, you’ll end up on a small town...